Thursday, April 19, 2018

Featured Artist: Kyra Kwok

Statement from the artist:

This year in ceramics, I fell in love with the idea of art that makes you think. Art involves a dialogue between the artist and the viewer. No matter how the viewer responds- whether they are surprised by the texture of a piece, confused as to how a piece was created, or intrigued by the feelings that a piece invokes- they participate in this dialogue. I focus on utilitarian pieces (and have since I began ceramics), but I try to challenge “practicality.” The pieces I make are undeniably impractical and perhaps unnecessary, but they are a celebration of beauty for the sake of being beautiful. I create them to challenge the viewer to form a new perspective. By asking the viewer to pause their agenda and take a break from their life (which is often centered around efficiency), I call on them to find beauty in small things. There is something refreshing about pieces that are unnecessary in many ways and yet so necessary in the feelings they invoke and the reactions they produce. Many of the pieces that I make require (perhaps) an absurd amount of time and fine detail. However, I hope that this time translates into a more interesting dialogue for the viewer and allows them to appreciate the piece simply for what it says to them. 

Kyra Kwok ('19)